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A child or loved one has gotten off drugs

A child or loved one has gotten off drugs


And you want to make sure he or she doesn't slip back into it. If you're concerned that a loved one may fall back into drug addiction, drug testing can be an effective tool to ensure they stay sober. It may seem like a drastic measure, but drug testing can provide peace of mind and help prevent a relapse. In this article, we will explore the benefits of drug testing and how you can use it to support your loved one's recovery. Whether you're a parent, spouse, or friend, drug testing can be an essential part of the recovery process. By monitoring drug use and staying vigilant, you can help your loved one stay on track and avoid the devastating consequences of addiction. So let's dive in and find out how drug testing can keep your loved one safe and sober.

How do you ensure that a person going through withdrawal does not relapse?

Many former smokers and drug addicts will tell you the same thing: once you've been an addict, the addiction will be part of you for the rest of your life. Of course, you learn not to give in to it, not to think about it, to deal with the craving, and to avoid bad influences.

But the first few months, and often the first few years, are very critical. Going through a difficult time or a period of depression can make ex-drug addicts very fragile and make them forget the terrible ordeals they went through during their withdrawal.

A good way to help a former drug addict is to agree to frequent and unannounced drug testings. This is something that should be done early in the withdrawal process, when motivation and goodwill help to make the principle of regular monitoring acceptable.

Is it effective?

For ex-drug users, the dissuasive effect will unfortunately remain rather limited. They often go through micro-periods of intense craving ((lasting a few hours or a few days), sometimes years after having stopped using. In these moments, only their willpower can make a difference, and the fear of a positive test will often not have a decisive effect. Indeed, these people have already used drugs, their entourage knows it, and they are no longer really afraid that someone will discover that they have a problem with drugs.

On the other hand, for those who help them, it remains an extremely precious tool, because the screening test allows to know as soon as possible if there is a relapse. In fact, most of the time, it is not even necessary to do the test to understand that a person has relapsed. When a former drug addict remains "clean" and does not use any substance, he or she generally does not see any problem in being tested, especially if the principle of frequent testing has been established from the beginning of the withdrawal process. In fact, each negative test is even a small victory in itself. These unannounced tests can therefore be very beneficial for morale and motivation. On the other hand, if that same ex-drug addict suddenly starts refusing to be tested, it allows those who are helping him to be alerted, and if necessary to act early enough to prevent him from really relapsing.

Frequent testing is reassuring

All people who are trying to get over drugs need support and to feel they are being helped. The drug has made them fragile, and much like children, they will often feel secure with this supervision and the constant attention they will receive.

Testing former drug users, taking the time to do it and showing that it is neither a chore nor a repressive surveillance, but on the contrary a sincere will to help, often brings them an indispensable security. They are no longer alone in the world with their drug problem. They know they can count on your support.

What test should I use?

One might think that a former cannabis smoker (for example) should be tested for cannabis. This is both true and false.

Of course, you should test for the drug that was used, because that is the drug of choice for the person being tested. But then your screenings become very predictable and circumventable. Also, it would be dramatic if this person, not being able to smoke cannabis anymore, turned to even more dangerous substances such as cocaine, ecstasy or high dose antidepressants.

Therefore, we recommend the use of urine tests. These tests are designed to monitor drug use over several days (compared to an average of 24 hours for conventional saliva tests) and are the most sensitive tests available. Moreover, in order to make the widest possible screening, multi-drugs tests are obviously the most appropriate for the follow-up of a withdrawal. They will allow you to make a complete overview of drug use.

Single drug urine tests

These tests target a specific substance. To use when you know exactly what you are looking for. Below are some of the most commonly used.

Multi-drugs urine tests

These are used to test for several drugs at the same time. The test on the right, for example, screens for the 5 most commonly used drugs today:

  • THC (cannabis)
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Ecstasy
  • Amphetamines

Monitoring a cannabis withdrawal

The advantages of cannabis urine tests with pre-dosage.

There is now a new type of urine test specifically designed for monitoring and controlling the withdrawal of cannabis users. The NarcoCheck® PreDosage® test checks the concentration level of THC (the active substance in cannabis) in the urine. When a person stops smoking cannabis, the concentration of THC in the urine gradually decreases. It is therefore possible to monitor the decrease of this concentration to make sure that the withdrawal is respected. If the level suddenly rises again, it could mean that there has been a relapse. Pre-dosage tests are therefore particularly effective in the long term when accompanying ex-consumers.

The test shown here is the NarocCheck® PreDosage® test which detects cannabis on 3 detection levels.

  • Level 1 : LOW (urine slightly positive for THC)
  • Level 2 : MEDIUM (urine significantly positive for THC)
  • Level 3 : HIGH (urine highly positive for THC)
Founder and manager of Kappa City Biotech since 2005.
Through the blog DrugNews, I share my experience on how to deal with situations related to drug and alcohol use, whether in the family sphere or in the workplace.