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Drug testing in the workplace

Drug testing in the workplace


Companies are increasingly aware of the risks associated with drug use among their employees, especially for those in sensitive or high-risk positions. In response to these challenges, many companies have begun to implement prevention programs, including drug testing, to ensure the safety of their employees and their work environment.

Workplace and drugs: not really compatible

Until now, breathalyzers have been used, but drug use has grown so much in recent years that many professionals now want to ensure that their employees are sober, both in terms of alcohol and drugs.

Freight or passenger transport companies, public works companies or high-risk sites, security companies or even trading companies, the business world is looking for solutions to inform their staff about the danger of drugs and their total incompatibility with the workplace.

We are therefore witnessing a multiplication of prevention actions against drugs within companies. This prevention can take the form of information conferences led by specialists in narcotics and addictions, or by the distribution of rapid screening tests.

After information, prevention through testing

The advent and democratization of saliva testing has been a determining factor in this evolution. Indeed, these tests are performed on saliva and do not require any particular convenience, whereas a urine test requires the use of a toilet. They can be performed anywhere, whether at the bottom of a crane or at the door of a bus, they are very economical and above all, they are likely to prevent accidents.

Urine tests are not to be outdone and are still the most reliable quick way to detect drugs over several days. They can detect one drug at a time (single urine test) or several drugs simultaneously (multi-drug tests). However, in many countries, urine testing must be performed by medical personnel. It is therefore less flexible than saliva tests.

Finally, there are surface tests, which the employer can use on any object or area within the company. Finding traces of drugs in the toilet, or worse, on the steering wheel of a vehicle, can sometimes open your eyes to a latent problem, and in some cases avoid a disaster.

Single drug urine tests

These tests target a specific substance. Use when you know what you are looking for. Below are some of the most commonly used.

Multi-drugs urine tests

To test for multiple drugs at the same time. The test on the right, for example, screens for the 5 most commonly used drugs today:

  • THC (cannabis)
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Ecstasy
  • Amphetamines

Founder and manager of Kappa City Biotech since 2005.
Through the blog DrugNews, I share my experience on how to deal with situations related to drug and alcohol use, whether in the family sphere or in the workplace.