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Saliva drug tests: self-testing before driving

Saliva drug tests: self-testing before driving


If you've taken a drug, how can you be sure you're not a danger to other drivers or yourself? How can you be sure you can get back behind the wheel without breaking the law? The easiest way is to leave your keys with a sober person, but failing that, a saliva self-test is a must.

A new type of prevention is making its way

Over the past few months, we've been receiving more and more questions about saliva testing.

One of the most frequent concerns the saliva tests carried out on the roads by the police. It's fair to say that the deterrent effect of their deployment has been successful. The images of motorists undergoing roadside saliva tests have left a lasting impression on many drivers.

Saliva testing is frightening, and it is certainly for this reason that we can hope to see a change in behaviors.

If I undergo a saliva test, will I test positive?

It's a question that rightly plagues many drug users. You can read a lot about it on the Internet, especially on forums. There's some serious information out there, but there are also a lot of far-fetched theories.

For example, it has been widely reported that, while saliva drug tests can indeed reveal that a person has taken drugs, they can in no way tell whether that person is still under the influence of those drugs. In other words, they make no difference between people whose effects are still active and those whose effects have completely faded.

Technically, this is true.
Except that this type of argument cannot be used to contest the validity or effectiveness of these saliva tests when used by the police.

Why is that? Logic!
The saliva tests currently used at the roadside detect cannabis use between 3 and 6 hours after the last joint. Yet the psychotropic effect of cannabis lasts around 3 to 6 hours, depending on the individual and the amount of cannabis consumed. There is therefore an almost perfect correlation between the time it takes to detect cannabis and the duration of its effects.

Therefore, we can logically say that a person who tests positive on a saliva test is still under the effects of cannabis, and thus represents a danger not only to themselves, but also to all road users.

So how can you be sure that you'll be able to get back behind the wheel without putting yourself in danger and risking committing an offence?

Three solutions:

  • Stop taking drugs.

  • Wait at least 48 to 72 hours before driving again. The effect of the drugs will have worn off, and you will no longer represent a danger to yourself or others.

  • People who absolutely need to get back in their car as soon as possible will take a saliva test to make sure it's negative. If it's positive, they'll have to postpone their departure accordingly, or look for a driver or a car-sharing solution.

Which saliva test should I choose?

The key is to choose a test that's effective and inexpensive enough for you to make it a safety habit, just as some people check their blood alcohol level with breathalysers they buy themselves.

PharmaDrugTest.com offers private individuals professional-quality saliva tests, including the new NarcoCheck saliva test.

This test has several major advantages:

  • It is available in 2 versions: cannabis only or multi-drugs.

  • It can be used without the need for a saliva collection swab.

  • It is calibrated to detect the cannabis molecule found specifically in saliva (called Δ9-THC), whereas most current saliva tests are designed to detect the molecule found in urine (called THC-COOH or 11-nor-Δ9-THC-COOH). This is not a modified urine test, but one specifically developed for saliva.

  • It detects cannabis above 10 ng/ml (10 nanograms of THC per milliliter of saliva). One of the most sensitive tests in the world.

  • It detects cannabis 4 to 6 hours after the last joint smoked. It also detects cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, ecstasy and methamphetamine for 24 to 48 hours.

Your safety is now in your hands!

Founder and manager of Kappa City Biotech since 2005.
Through the blog DrugNews, I share my experience on how to deal with situations related to drug and alcohol use, whether in the family sphere or in the workplace.