Cocaine saliva test

Saliva test: Cocaine

Saliva test for the detection of the use of cocaine and crack.

Minimally invasive screening, very reliable and results given in 10 minutes.

Reference NCE-S-COC-1
Test type Saliva
Cut-off (detection level) 20 ng/ml
Maximum detection time 1 to 3 days after the last intake
Results in 10 minutes
Reliability Excellent
Manufacturer NarcoCheck®
Quantity Unit price
From 1 to 2 tests $8.90 per test
From 3 to 9 tests $8.50 per test
From 10 to 19 tests $7.90 per test
From 20 to 30 tests $7.50 per test
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Total: $8.90 Tax included

NarcoCheck® Saliva test to detect cocaine consumption

Less invasive than a urine tests, easier to use, faster and without any manipulation!

What does this test detect?

This saliva test detects benzoylecgonine, i.e. cocaine once it has been transformed by the body. This is what they call a metabolite.

What exactly is showing this test?

Benzoylecgonine is today recognized as the main biological marker of cocaine use.

A positive result in this test means an active consumption.

This test will therefore tell whether or not the person tested has consumed cocaine or crack in the last 24 to 72 hours.

Quick and easy to use

The benefits of saliva tests

  • They are very simple to use and minimally invasive.
  • They can be used anywhere, at any time.
    No need for bathroom or special amenities.
    Saliva is immediately accessible.
  • They can be used to detect drug consumption immediately after taking, long before traces of drugs can appear in the urine, and last for several hours.
  • They are done in front of you, which makes them very difficult to falsify or adulterate. Salivary tests reduce the potential for cheating.

To screen for cocaine consumption, it is possible to use urine tests or saliva tests.

The difference lies largely in the ease of use. The saliva test is considered less invasive than the urine test. The saliva test does not require any special convenience (toilet) and is done in front of you. It is therefore virtually forgery-proof.

Technically, the saliva test is much more sensitive and complex to manufacture, because traces of cocaine are less abundant in the saliva than in the urine. The saliva test is therefore a little more expensive to purchase.

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Sensitivity / Specificity

Cut-off Details

NarcoCheck® - Saliva test: Cocaine
Acronym : COC
Cut-off (sensitivity) : 20 ng/ml
Specificity :
Compound Cut-off (ng/ml)
Compound Cut-off (ng/ml)
Cocaine 20
Benzoylecgonine 20
Cocaethylene 330
Ecgonine 1 500
Ecgonine Methyl Ester 12 500