More and more of you are asking us this question.
First of all, let's be clear: this test is not a legal tool. It doesn't care whether CBD consumption is legal or not.
The only thing this test can do is say whether or not it detects more than 10 nanograms of THC in the mouth. At this level of THC concentration in saliva, legislation in most Western countries considers you unfit to drive.
And while it's true that CBD contains very little THC, it does contain some. And while a single CBD cigarette isn't likely to push you over the threshold, several CBD cigarettes could. And if you do, you've got too much THC in your system, which affects your reflexes and lucidity.
Smoking a lot of CBD is like drinking several glasses of wine. Wine isn't a very alcoholic beverage, but excessive consumption makes you unfit to drive.
Well, several CBD cigarettes are like several glasses of wine.
In terms of both cannabis and CBD, this test is only doing its job: telling you whether you're fit to drive, and incidentally, whether you risk losing your license if you're tested.