THC (cannabis) saliva test

Saliva test: Cannabis (THC)

Saliva test for cannabis (THC) screening. Designed for the detection of recent cannabis use and road safety (preventive self-screening before driving).

One of the only tests in the world to detect the molecule of cannabis specific to saliva (the one currently sought by the Police).

The last generation of saliva tests!

Reference NCE-S-THC-1
Test type Saliva
Cut-off (detection level) 10 ng/ml (native Δ9-THC)
Maximum detection time 4 to 6 hours after the last cannabis use
Results in 10 minutes
Reliability Very high. One of the most reliable tests currently available.
Manufacturer NarcoCheck®
Quantity Unit price
From 1 to 4 tests $9.90 per test
From 5 to 9 tests $9.40 per test
From 10 to 19 tests $8.90 per test
From 20 to 30 tests $8.50 per test
More than 30 tests Contact us
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Total: $9.90 Tax included

NarcoCheck® saliva test for the screening of cannabis (THC).


Even more simple than ever, faster and without any manipulation!


With the NarcoCheck® Saliva test: the detection is made on native Δ9-THC, which is the molecule of cannabis that is found specifically in the mouth, because it is contained in the smoke of cannabis cigarettes. When a person smokes a joint, this smoke will contaminate the mouth and leave traces for several hours. The NarcoCheck® Saliva test will detect these very traces, the same as those sought by the Police. So, it is not a basic modified urine test, but a real innovation in salivary screening.

Quick and easy to use

What does this test detect?

This saliva test detects Δ9-THC, which is the psychoactive substance of cannabis.

A cannabis joint (marijuana, hashish etc.) contains millions of molecules of Δ9-THC.

What exactly is showing this test?

It will show a positive result when the person tested has a concentration of pure THC in the mouth greater than 10 nanograms per milliliter of saliva.

It will then say whether or not the person tested has used cannabis for the last 4 to 6 hours.

Note: this 4 to 6-hour time frame is an indicative average. The time taken for THC to be eliminated from saliva (and therefore to be detectable) may vary slightly from one person to another.

A new essential tool for road safety

Small and very simple to use, this test is perfectly suited to self-screening. Cannabis users can now reduce the risk of using marijuana or hashish by testing themselves.

Ideal to test the cannabic state of intoxication

The NarcoCheck® saliva test allows you to determine if the person being tested is still under the influence of cannabis.

A cannabis joint usually has effect for 4 to 6 hours. As this salivary test detects cannabis use dating less than 6 hours, a positive result will logically allow us to envisage a current state of cannabic intoxication.

The benefits of saliva tests

  • They are very simple to use and minimally invasive.
  • They can be used anywhere, at any time.
    No need for bathroom or special amenities.
    Saliva is immediately accessible.
  • They can be used to detect drug consumption immediately after taking, long before traces of drugs can appear in the urine, and last for several hours.
  • They are done in front of you, which makes them very difficult to falsify or adulterate. Salivary tests reduce the potential for cheating.


The Δ9-THC (pronounced "delta 9 THC") is the name used in the raw cannabis molecule, as it is found in hashish or weed (marijuana).

Once smoked or ingested, the human body must modify this molecule in order to eliminate it. It transforms it into a sub-molecule, which will be found especially in the urine: THC-COOH (also called 11-nor-Δ9-THC-COOH).

Because in the mouth, the Δ9-THC is massively found.
On the other hand, barely no traces of THC-COOH are found, which becomes virtually undetectable after a few tens of minutes after smoking a joint.

To effectively detect cannabis, a saliva test must therefore be calibrated to detect Δ9-THC.

The problem is that most current salivary tests are modified urine tests, and therefore detect THC-COOH.

Therefore, knowing the exact nature of the target molecule is crucial when choosing the saliva test to use!

First of all, don't believe everything you read on the forums!
It may seem obvious, but it's worth remembering.

Secondly, bear in mind that this test doesn't work in relation to time, but in relation to the level of THC concentration in saliva. Its job is to tell you whether or not your saliva contains more than 10 nanograms of THC per mililiter.

Furthermore, the detection times we specify on our website are purely indicative. 

On average, THC remains in saliva for 4 to 6 hours, but this is only an average. Some people will have no detectable THC left after 2-3 hours, while for others it will take 6-8 hours. Each person is different and therefore eliminates THC at his or her own pace.

What's certain is that the detection threshold of 10 ng/ml is extremely sensitive and allows this detection time frame to be exploited to the full.

More and more of you are asking us this question.

First of all, let's be clear: this test is not a legal tool. It doesn't care whether CBD consumption is legal or not.

The only thing this test can do is say whether or not it detects more than 10 nanograms of THC in the mouth. At this level of THC concentration in saliva, legislation in most Western countries considers you unfit to drive.

And while it's true that CBD contains very little THC, it does contain some. And while a single CBD cigarette isn't likely to push you over the threshold, several CBD cigarettes could. And if you do, you've got too much THC in your system, which affects your reflexes and lucidity.

Smoking a lot of CBD is like drinking several glasses of wine. Wine isn't a very alcoholic beverage, but excessive consumption makes you unfit to drive.

Well, several CBD cigarettes are like several glasses of wine.

In terms of both cannabis and CBD, this test is only doing its job: telling you whether you're fit to drive, and incidentally, whether you risk losing your license if you're tested.

No, simply because it is not made for that.

Saliva tests are actually very effective where urine tests are not at all effective. Traces of cannabis can be detected in the saliva almost immediately after its consumption, whereas it is often necessary to wait more than ten hours to see traces in the urine.

Salivary screening will thus be fully effective over a period of a few hours following drug use. This period can be more or less long depending on the metabolism of people and their level of consumption.

A saliva test can tell: "The person tested used cannabis less than 6 hours ago".

A urine test can tell: "The person tested has used cannabis in the past few days" or "The person tested consumes cannabis (more or less regularly)".

Each type of test therefore has its specificity and none can replace the other.

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Label UFAF

Used by the French Armed Forces

After being evaluated and selected for its high quality and performance, this product has been awarded the official label for equipment used by the French Army, Navy and/or Air Force.

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Sensitivity / Specificity

Cut-off Details

NarcoCheck® - Saliva test: Cannabis (THC)
Acronym : THC
Cut-off (sensitivity) : 10 ng/ml
Specificity :
Compound Cut-off (ng/ml)
Compound Cut-off (ng/ml)
Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (native THC) 10