Alpha-PVP test (Flakka)

Alpha-PVP urine test (Flakka)

Urine test for Alpha-PVP, also known as Flakka in north America. This substance is part of the so called New Psychoactive Substances.

Reference NCE-APVP-1S
Test type Urine
Cut-off (detection level) 500 ng/ml
Maximum detection time 2 to 3 days after the last intake
Results in 5 minutes
Reliability Excellent (≈99%)
Manufacturer NarcoCheck®
Quantity Unit price
From 1 to 2 tests $5.90 per test
From 3 to 9 tests $5.40 per test
From 10 to 19 tests $4.50 per test
From 20 to 30 tests $3.90 per test
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Total: $5.90 Tax included

About this test

The NarcoCheck® Alpha-PVP rapid test strip is an immunoassay for fast the detection of alpha-Pyrrolidinovalerophenone use in human urine.

Alpha-PVP (α-PVP or alpha-Pyrrolidinovalerophenone) is a new synthetic drug derived from cathinone.

Like other new synthetic drugs, alpha-PVP has been sold in many countries under the misleading name Bath saltsResearch Chemicals (RC) or Fertilizers.

It is actually a powerful and addictive psychostimulant.

This test can detect any consumption of Alpha-PVP, up to 48-72h after the last intake.

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Sensitivity / Specificity

Cut-off Details

NarcoCheck® - Alpha-PVP urine test (Flakka)
Acronym : APVP
Cut-off (sensitivity) : 500 ng/ml
Specificity :
Compound Cut-off (ng/ml)
Compound Cut-off (ng/ml)
α-PVP 500
MDPV 25 000
MethAmphetamine >10 000
MethCathinone >10 000
α-PHiP >5 000
α-PHP >100 000