Citalopram (Celexa®, Seropram®) urine test

For urine testing of Citalopram, better known by various trade names, such as Celexa, Seropram etc. Fast, reliable and very economical test.

Reference NCE-CIT-1S
Test type Urine
Cut-off (detection level) 500 ng/ml
Maximum detection time 7 to 10 days after the last intake
Results in 5 minutes
Reliability Excellent (≈99%)
Manufacturer NarcoCheck®
Quantity Unit price
From 1 to 2 tests $5.90 per test
From 3 to 9 tests $5.40 per test
From 10 to 19 tests $4.50 per test
From 20 to 30 tests $3.90 per test
More than 30 tests Contact us
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Total: $5.90 Tax included

About this test

The NarcoCheck® CIT rapid test strip is an immunoassay for fast the detection of Citalopram use in human urine.

Citalopram is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant. It is used to treat depressive states.

Citalopram is available under a number of brand names or names. However, the active ingredient remains exactly the same. This is why this test can be used regardless of the brand name of the medication being taken containing Citalopram.

Citalopram can be detected with this urine test for up to 7 to 10 days after the last dose.

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Sensitivity / Specificity

Cut-off Details

NarcoCheck® - Citalopram (Celexa®, Seropram®) urine test
Acronym : CIT
Cut-off (sensitivity) : 500 ng/ml
Specificity :
Compound Cut-off (ng/ml)
Compound Cut-off (ng/ml)
Desmethylcitalopram 500
Escitalopram (Cipralex®, Lexapro®, Esertia®) >100 000