Methamphetamine test (meth, crystal meth, ice...)

Methamphetamine urine test

This urine strip detects Methamphetamine use in just 5 minutes.

Very easy to use and very economical.

Reference NCE-MET-1S
Test type Urine
Cut-off (detection level) 1 000 ng/ml
Maximum detection time 1 to 3 days after the last intake
Results in 5 minutes
Reliability Excellent (≈99%)
Manufacturer NarcoCheck®
Quantity Unit price
From 1 to 2 tests $4.90 per test
From 3 to 9 tests $4.50 per test
From 10 to 19 tests $3.90 per test
From 20 to 30 tests $2.90 per test
More than 30 tests Contact us
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Total: $4.90 Tax included

About this test

The NarcoCheck® MET rapid test strip is an immunoassay for fast the detection of methamphetamine (crystal meth) use in human urine.

This urine strip delivers a result in 5 minutes.
Methamphetamine comes in the form of yellow or white crystals, or crystalline powder (hence its nickname crystal). It is one of the most dangerous drugs. It causes an almost immediate dependence and has extremely violent effects for the body. Consumed regularly, it causes severe behavioral disturbances, strong aggressiveness (especially in times of craving), severe paranoia and psychotic episodes. This drug is also devastating to the teeth and gums.

Quick and easy to use

Detection time of methamphetamine in urine

1 to 3 days after use.

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Fast and Easy

Sensitivity / Specificity

Cut-off Details

NarcoCheck® - Methamphetamine urine test
Acronym : MET
Cut-off (sensitivity) : 1 000 ng/ml
Specificity :
Compound Cut-off (ng/ml)
Compound Cut-off (ng/ml)
D-Methamphetamine 1 000
3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) 4 000
3-MMA (3-Methylmethamphetamine) 1 000
D-Amphetamine >100 000
L-Methamphetamine 20 000
Mephentermine (Mephentine®, Wyamine®) 50 000
ρ-Hydroxymethamphetamine (Pholedrine) 25 000